VH for Education

Chapter 11 looks at different models of the use of technology in learning (such as Networked Learning, Technology Enhanced Learning etc), how Virtual Humans relate to these, and the different roles that Virtual Humans could play in education, including virtual tutors, pedagogic agents teachable agents and teaching assistants.

We'll post additional analysis here, and blog about interesting case studies and systems.

Selected References

Bayne, S. (2015) Teacherbot: interventions in automated teaching’ Teaching in Higher Education, 20 (4), 455-467.

Chase, C. C., Chin, D. B., Oppezzo, M. A., & Schwartz, D. L. (2009). Teachable agents and the protégé effect: Increasing the effort towards learning. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 18(4), 334–352.

Dincer, S. &  Doganay. A.(2015). The Impact of Pedagogical Agent on Learners’ Motivation and Academic Success Practice and Theory in Systems of Education, 10 (4,)329-348.

Gratch, J., DeVault, D., Lucas, G. & Marsella, S. (2015). Negotiation as a Challenge Problem for Virtual Humans. 15th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents. Delft, The Netherlands.

Savin-Baden, M., Bhakta, R. & Burden, D. (2016). Cyber Enigmas? Passive Detection and PedagogicalAgents: Can Students Spot the fake? Cranmer, S. J., Bonderup-Dohn, N., De Laat, M., Ryberg, T., & Sime, J-A. (Eds.), (2016). Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Networked Learning 2016: Looking back – moving forward. Lancaster: Lancaster University. 456-463.

Savin-Baden, M., Tombs, G. & Bhakta, R. (2015). Beyond robotic wastelands of time: Abandoned pedagogical agents and new pedalled pedagogies E-Learning and Digital Media, 0(0), 1–20.

Savin-Baden, M., Tombs, G., Burden, D & Wood, C. (2013). ‘It’s almost like talking to a person: student disclosure to pedagogical agents insensitive settings’. International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 5(2), 78-93.

Savin-Baden, M (2010). Changelings and shape shifters? Identity play and pedagogical positionLondon Review of Education, 8(1), 25-38.

Savin-Baden, M (2007). A Practical Guide to Problem-based Learning Online. London: Routledge

van der Meij H., van der Meij, J.& Harmsen, R. (2015). Animated pedagogical agents effects on enhancing studentmotivation and learning in a science inquiry learning environment Educational TechnologyResearch and Development, 63, (3) 381- 403.

Vlahos, (2015) Barbie Wants to Get to Know Your Child New York Times Available online https://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/20/magazine/barbie-wants-to-get-to-know-your-child.htmlSept. 16.

White, C., Chuah, J., Robb, A., Lok, B., Lampotang, S., Lizdas, D., Martindale, J., Pi, G. & Wendling, A. (2015). Using a Critical Incident Scenario With Virtual Humans to Assess Educational Needs of Nurses in a Postanesthesia Care Unit. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions35(10), 158-165