Mimic Bots
Simple Pattern Matching
Here author creates a set "cases" - each essentially a pattern-response pair. The pattern is defined in some form of markup so it can include wildcards and synonyms. The system then finds the best/only/closest/first matching pattern and uses the appropriate response.
The most well known pattern based chatbot system is Richard Wallace's Artificial Intelligence Markup Language (AIML) from and you can log on to Pandorabots to make your own AIML bot. Compilers for AIML have been created for a wide variety of computer languages. See:
Through commands like the <system> tag an AIML bot can reach out to web services to help answer queries, but there is limited capability for more complex scripting.
Also check out:
Rule-based Pattern Matching
- https://sourceforge.net/projects/chatscript/ or https://github.com/ChatScript/ChatScript
- https://www.researchgate.net/publication/323279398_ANALYSIS_OF_THE_CHATBOT_OPEN_SOURCE_LANGUAGES_AIML_AND_CHATSCRIPT_A_Review
- BotKit - https://botkit.ai/
Machine Learning Based Systems
- IBM Watson - https://www.ibm.com/watson/ai-assistant/
- GushUp - https://www.gupshup.io/developer/home
- Converse.ai - http://www.converse.ai/
- Recast.ai - https://recast.ai/
- Dialogflow - https://dialogflow.com/
- Flow.ai - https://flow.ai/
Useful papers:
- Jaffe, E., White, M., Schuler, W., Fosler-Lussier, E., Rosenfeld, A., & Danforth, D. (2015). Interpreting Questions with a Log-Linear Ranking Model in a Virtual Patient Dialogue System. Silver Sponsor, 86-96. The Twelfth Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP foBuilding Educational Applications Stroudsburg, PA: The Association for Computational Linguistics
- Khanna, A., Pandey, B., Vashishta, K., Kalia, K., Pradeepkumar, B., & Das, T. (2015). A Study of Today’s AI through Chatbots and Rediscovery of Machine Intelligence. International Journal of u-and e-Service, Science and Technology, 8(7), 277-284.
- Vinyals, O., & Le, Q. (2015). A neural conversational model. Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning, Deep Learning Workshop. Available online https://arxiv.org/abs/1506.05869
Grammatical Parsers
- Arckon - http://artistdetective.com/arckon/
It uses slightly more triples based approach than pure part-of-speech, but is still a good step forward.
Useful papers include:
- Good question!
The Loebner Prize and Turing Test
- Bradeško, L., & Mladenić, D. (2012). A survey of chatbot systems through a loebner prize competition. In Proceedings of Slovenian Language Technologies Society Eighth Conference of Language Technologies (pp. 34-37).
- Burden, D. J. H., Savin-Baden, M., & Bhakta, R. (2016). Covert Implementations of the Turing Test: A More Level Playing Field?. In International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (pp. 195-207). Cham: Springer.
- Gilbert, R. L., & Forney, A. (2015). Can avatars pass the Turing test? Intelligent agent perception in a 3D virtual environment. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 73, 30-36.
- Savin-Baden, M., Tombs. G., Burden. D., & Wood, C. "‘It’s Almost Like Talking to a Person’: Student Disclosure to Pedagogical Agents in Sensitive Settings." International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 5 (2), (2013): 78-93.
- Warwick, K., & Shah, H. (2016). Can machines think? A report on Turing test experiments at the Royal Society. Journal of experimental & Theoretical artificial Intelligence, 28(6), 989-1007.
Problem Chatbots
- Cockayne, D., Leszczynski, A., & Zook, M. (2017). # HotForBots: Sex, the non-human and digitally mediated spaces of intimate encounter. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 35(6), 1115-1133.
- Newitz A (2015, 27 Aug) The Fembots of Ashley Madison. Gizmodo. Available online: http://gizmodo.com/the-fembots-of-ashley-madison-1726670394
Conversation Design and Analysis
Useful readings:
- Bibauw, S., François, T., & Desmet, P. (2015). Conversational agents for language learning: state of the art and avenues for research on task-based agents. CALICO edition. Boulder, CO, USA. Available online https://lirias.kuleuven.be/bitstream/123456789/499442/1/2015.05.28+Dialogue+systems+for+language+learning.pdf.
- Nolan, B. (2014). Extending a lexicalist functional grammar through speech acts, constructions and conversational software agents. In B. Nolan & C. Periñán-Pascual (Eds.),
- Sidnell, J. (2011). Conversation analysis: An introduction. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
- Thimm, M., Villata, S., Cerutti, F., Oren, N., Strass, H., & Vallati, M. (2016). Summary report of the first international competition on computational models of argumentation. AI magazine, 37(1), 102.
- Wei, B., & Prakken, H. (2017). Defining the structure of arguments with AI models of argumentation. College Publications 68 1-22 Available online https://dspace.library.uu.nl/bitstream/handle/1874/356057/WeibinPrakken17.pdf?sequence=1