David at CogX

David was one of the Keynote speakers in the Lab-to-Life strand at CogX - the huge AI conference that took place in a very wet London this week. David spoke about Daden's work on Virtual Life Coaches and Virtual Personas, and touching on Digital Immortality at the end. As the compere said, if people taking photos of the slides is a modern indicator of a good talk then this was a well received talk indeed. Other comments included "excellent",  “really interesting” and “flipping fascinating”!

And this is how wet it was:

The art of Ai-Da Robot

Quite a bit of coverage this week of Ai-Da "the world’s first Ultra-Realistic AI humanoid robot artist" who is to open her solo exhibition at St John’s College on 12 June 2019.

In the book we talk about the difference between "creativity" and "imagination" in virtual humans.